
Setting up your blog for success

For many newcomers to the online marketing world, the learning curve for the tech aspects can be overwhelming. It’s daunting to look at the process overall, but if you break it down into bite-sized steps and strategies, it’s easily doable for anyone who wants to succeed online.  Get a Profit-Pulling Domain Consider your domain name

Over 50? 5 Online Business Ideas

The idea of running an online business may seem like a formidable task to the over 50 crowd who are unfamiliar with many technical aspects of the Internet. Some baby boomers have had trouble learning the language of computers and the ‘net. After all, there are so many technical terms which may be totally unfamiliar to

Are you building a Home base?

I know quite a few people trying to carve out an income online who are missing one key ingredient… A home base. They go about promoting affiliate products and services, they use social media, even buy advertising, all the while lacking a home base. What is a home base you ask? Well, it’s a place

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